Robert Barbour does not have a likeness. If you have one, please link to it in the comments section.

Robert Barbour cap badgeCorporal Robert Barbour

7th Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
Service No: (No data. If you have details, please add a comment)

Robert Barbour grave





Personal details

Family Information

(No data. If you have details, please add a comment)

Born / Resided

69c Main St, Coatbridge / 14 Trafford St, Preston.


Killed in Action on the 01/07/1916 on the opening day of the Battle of the Somme


Preston Town Hall 1914


Preston North End Football Club.



Buried / Remembered

Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.

Cemetery / Memorial Information

There are no burial or remembrance details for this soldier. If you have any, please leave a comment below or contact us.

Additional Information

Robert is NOT listed on the CWGC site. I will be checking the above information given to me. See photos for Loyal North Lancashire Cap Badge

Robert Barbour additional photo

Creative Commons License

We have made this information and the images available under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. This means you may reuse it for non-commercial purposes only and must attribute it to us using the following statement: ©


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