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Robert Rodger cap badgeSergeant Robert Rodger

1st Battalion Highland Light Infantry
Service No: 11345

Robert Rodger grave





Personal details

Family Information

Son of Margaret Rodger of of 3 Langside Road, Bothwell. Nephew of Mrs Bell of Bothwell. In his Will dated 09/10/1916 Robert left the whole of his property and effects to his mother. Official news of Robert's death was sent to his aunt. From the 1891 Census - Address - Rosehall Pit No 11, Coatbridge - Robert's grandfather Andrew Rodger aged 66, Robert's grandmother Elizabeth Rodger aged 64, Robert's mother Margaret Rodger aged 25, grandfathers nieces Helen Bell aged 6, Margaret Bell aged 4, Bertha Rodger aged 1, Robert Rodger aged 3 months. Robert's Pension was awarded to his mother Margaret.

Born / Resided

Coatbridge / Greenock


Killed in Action on the 11/01/1917 during the advance to the Hai and the capture of Khudaira Bend


Hamilton 1914


Regular Soldier


26 / DOB - 07/01/1891

Buried / Remembered

Basra Memorial (Panel 35 and 64), Iraq

Cemetery / Memorial Information

The Basra Memorial commemorates more than 40,500 members of the Commonwealth forces who died in the operations in Mesopotamia from the Autumn of 1914 to the end of August 1921 and whose graves are not known.

Additional Information

The 1st Battalion landed at Marseille as part of the 9th (Sirhind) Brigade in the 3rd (Lahore) Division on the 30/11/1914 for service on the Western Front and saw action at the Defence of Festubert in November 1914, the Battle of Neuve Chapelle in March 1915, the Battle of St. Julien in May 1915 and the Second Battle of Ypres later in May 1915. It then moved to Mesopotamia in December 1915. In 1916 the Division were involved in the first attack on the Hanna (7th and 9th Brigades only) on the 21st January. On the 8th March the attack on the Dujaila Redoubt and on the 17th - 18th April the action of Bait Aisa. In the reorganisation of the Mesopotamia force after the fall of Kut, the Division was moved into I Corps. In early 1917 from the 14th December 1916 ' 19th January 1917 the Division was part of the advance to the Hai and the capture of Khudaira Bend. Robert served for 7 years in India before the outbreak of war. See photos for Robert's Medal Index Card, his Newspaper clipping, his Army Register of Soldiers Effects x 2, his Service Medal and Award Rolls x 2, his CWGC Grave Registration, his name on the Basra Memorial Panel List, his name on the Basra Memorial, Robert's Pension Records x 3, the Highland Light Infantry Cap Badge, the CWGC Basra Memorial Roll of Honour x 3 and Robert's name in the CWGC Basra Memorial Roll of Honour.

Robert Rodger Medal Index CardRobert Rodger newspaper clippingRobert Rodger newspaper clippingRobert Rodger newspaper clippingRobert Rodger remembered at homeRobert Rodger remembered at homeRobert Rodger remembered at homeRobert Rodger remembered at homeRobert Rodger additional photoRobert Rodger additional photoRobert Rodger additional photoRobert Rodger additional photoRobert Rodger additional photoRobert Rodger additional photoRobert Rodger additional photoRobert Rodger additional photoRobert Rodger additional photo

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