Archibald Shaw likeness

Archibald Shaw cap badgeSergeant Archibald Shaw

1st Battalion Highland Light Infantry
Service No: 8053

Archibald Shaw grave





Personal details

Family Information

Son of Hugh Shaw and Barbara Shaw. Brother of Mrs Jeanie Henderson of 229b Dundyvan Rd, Coatbridge who received confirmation of Archibald's death. From the 1901 Census - Address - Garnheath Cottage, landward and scattered houses, Coatbridge - Hugh Shaw aged 39, Barbara Shaw aged 37, Archibald Shaw aged 15. Archibald is listed on the 1911 England Census (taken in India when he was with the Highland Light Infantry). Archibald's Pension was awarded to his father Hugh of Mauldslie Place, Crossgates, Bellshill.

Born / Resided

Coatbridge / 229b Dundyvan Rd, Coatbridge


Killed in Action on the 19/12/1914 at Festubert (part of the Winter operations, 1914-15)


Coatbridge 1901


Regular Soldier



Buried / Remembered

Le Touret Memorial (Panel 37 and 38), Pas de Calais, France

Cemetery / Memorial Information

The Cemetery was begun by the Indian Corps (and in particular by the 2nd Leicesters) in November, 1914, and it was used continuously by Field Ambulances and fighting units until March, 1918. It passed into German hands in April, 1918, and after its recapture a few further burials were made in Plot IV in September and October. The grave of one Officer of the London Regiment was brought in in 1925 from a position on the Estaires-La Bassee road near "Port Arthur", and the 264 Portuguese graves of March, 1917 and April, 1919 were removed to Richebourg-L'Avoue Portuguese National Cemetery after the Armistice. There are now over 900, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. The graves of three men of the King's Liverpool Regiment, which were destroyed by shell fire, are now represented by special headstones.

Additional Information

Archibald and the Battalion were in Ambala, India in August 1914 and were part of the 9th (Sirhind) Brigade in the 3rd (Lahore) Division. They moved to France via Egypt, landing at Marseilles on the 30/11/1914 (some weeks after the other Brigades of the Division). The first elements of the Division arrived at Suez in Egypt on the 8th September, and the Division's 9th (Sirhind) Brigade remained in the area while the rest continued to France. The main body arrived at Marseilles on 26 September 1914. Archibald was posted as missing on the 19/12/1914 but his death was not confirmed until May 1916. HE WAS KILLED IN ACTION AT FESTUBERT JUST 19 DAYS AFTER ARRIVING IN FRANCE. Givenchy and the Indian Corps : To the south of IV Corps, the line was continued by the Indian Corps comprising the 3rd (Lahore) and 7th (Meerut) Divisions. As their name suggests the Divisions had been based in the Lahore and Meerut areas of northern (and of course pre-partition) India. The Sirhind and Ferozepore Brigades attack on the 19th December : The story of this attack was not dissimilar to that of the Garhwal, but ultimately with much heavier casualties and, and as things turned out, producing much greater risk to the security of the British position at Givenchy. The plan was concocted during the meetings on the 18th December and was launched at 5.30am next day, almost two hours after the Leicesters had commenced their attack and by which time the German defences were fully alerted and projecting enormous volumes of fire onto the British lines. Described in orders as a "simultaneous and conjoint" operation between the Sirhind and Ferozepore Brigades, the action took place east and northeast of Givenchy. Their objective was the capture of enemy trenches on a front about 150 yards in breadth. On the left, four waves of men of the Sirhind Brigade, comprising 1st Highland Light Infantry and 1/4th Ghurka Rifles, would advance. It was their first significant operation since arriving in France from Egypt. The first wave of the left-hand group (the Sirhind Brigade) left their trench and moved out into No Man's Land. The moment is stopped, they rushed the last 180 yards or so and entered the enemy fire trench with very few losses. They had achieved an element of surprise, regardless of the generally alerted enemy, and sent some 80 prisoners back to British lines. In accordance with orders, the Pioneers and Sappers and Miners moved in to consolidate the trench and make it defensible. The second and successive waves also began to move forward. So far, so good. The Scots of the Highland Light Infantry and the Ghurkas now moved on to the reserve trench, finding that stage relatively straightforward, too, and the second wave arrived soon afterwards. But the advance was halted there. The two captured trenches, so narrow in extent, were now so crammed with men that a message was sent back to the third and fourth waves to halt their advance and return. A position was also reached on the extreme left. No one could report quite how, but a party under Lieutenant William Bruce veered so far to their left that they ended up entering the German main trench across into the Sirhind Brigade's area of operations. Bruce was wounded and later died in the trench that day. He was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross, with his citation reading, "For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty. On the 19th December, 1914, near Givenchy, during a night attack, Lt. Bruce was in command of a small party which captured one of the enemy's trenches. In spite of being severely wounded in the neck, he walked up and down the trench, encouraging his men to hold on against several counterattacks for some hours until killed. The fire from rifles and bombs was very heavy all day, and it was due to the skilful disposition made, and the example and encouragement shown by Lt. Bruce that his men were able to hold out until dusk, when the trench was finally captured by the enemy. With it being evident for some hours that progress was improbable, that casualties were great and that the efforts to link up the sap on the right of the Sirhind Brigade's front had foundered, the 1/4th Ghurkas' Major Bernard Nicolay took the decision to withdraw. By about 5pm the captured position was given up. The losses to the attacking units had been heavy, but for the two brigades the battle had barely yet begun. The action at Festubert / Givenchy was part of the Winter operations (Western Front), 23rd November 1914 - 6th February 1915 : French orders for a major offensive in December lead to disastrous piecemeal British attacks. Localised operations seeking tactical advantage continue through winter. The 1st Battalion casualties for this action were : 2 Officers and 54 Non-Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks Killed, 63 Non-Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks Wounded, 8 Officers and 266 Non-Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks Missing. SEE PHOTOS x 7 FOR THE BATTALION WAR DIARY FROM 1st DECEMBER - 19th DECEMBER 1914 AND A MAP OF THE LOCATIONS OF FIGHTING IN DECEMBER 1914. Archibald was 13 years with the Highland Light Infantry, 9 of which were spent in India. He was promoted to Sergeant on the 01/11/1911 and went to France with his Regiment from India at the outbreak of war. See photos for Archibald's Medal Index Card, his Newspaper clipping, his Army Register of Soldiers Effects x 2, his Service Medal and Award Rolls x 2, his CWGC Grave Registration, his name on the Le Touret Memorial Panel List, his name on the Le Touret Memorial, the 1911 England Census, Archibald's Pension Records x 2 and the Highland Light Infantry Cap Badge.

Archibald Shaw Medal Index CardArchibald Shaw newspaper clippingArchibald Shaw newspaper clippingArchibald Shaw newspaper clippingArchibald Shaw remembered at homeArchibald Shaw remembered at homeArchibald Shaw remembered at homeArchibald Shaw remembered at homeArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photoArchibald Shaw additional photo

War Diaries

The battalion War Diary is available on the National Archives website.

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We have made this information and the images available under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. This means you may reuse it for non-commercial purposes only and must attribute it to us using the following statement: ©


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